Trust earning, time & feedback.

It takes 15-20 years for Netflix to earn trust and more specifically to make people understand what is really coming and what change is going to come?
It is easy for people to discuss the success or tell what Netflix is doing in amazing ways, but the hard thing is to acknowledge the fact what hardship (meeting the deadlines, coping up with things that are needed to be done with time, etc.) or what it took for Netflix to become what it wanted to or what it is now?
Building trust and willingness to do work requires time-specific deadlines to show up the work and make it consistent for seeing where the progress really is?
Kids who take tuitions even though having schools don’t take it just bcoz tuition will make them understand things better, but it will ask you to do things in deadlines too.
Now, does school doesn’t have deadlines?
Yes, they do have deadlines, but the deadlines will be of no use if you can’t track the real progress.
Kids know two things (1) School teachers/professors are not giving time to us and are also not relevant (2) Tuition will give us time and also, we can complain specifically instead of feedbacks which most of the people don’t know how to really give feedback.
Note: [Feedback is a little noisy word. Most people who give feedback on books on amazon or feedback on movies or on any things are giving feedback of themselves, not the product or service. It is hard to find real or productive feedback that may actually help.]
I remember when I was in 10th grade of my school, I didn’t take any tuition for subjects that I can do on my own, but some people who gave real productive feedback or specifically not feedback but suggestion to take tuition telling those two reasons mentioned above and they make complete sense.
PS: the thing that we forget to discuss above is, are both of the school or tuition helpful in building a character or someone who can solve problems? The answer is none of them teaches that. But the reason we must acknowledge the fact that tuition works are because they are not about masses, mostly tuition that has a specific or decent number of students produce more results, but once they try to become bigger than the market requires them to be, they start spending money on inefficient things i.e., ads. Which at the end becomes another form of schools only?  
