Why you can’t beat the attention and algorithm?
Whenever a new
medium or platform shows up that associates to attention and specifically for
more organic reach, someone come out ahead and wins the attention and keeps us
wondering how it happened.
They win google search, tons of follower on FB, Insta, get the masses on twitter, LinkedIn, reddit and clubhouse too.
Even you can be one of them who somehow got the masses and having the experience of joy of attention of people, being finally getting recognized now. You believe “They picked me!” (‘they’ portrays the audience). Meanwhile others view it and can’t hold back more and rush to press that follow button as our peers are following the trend & we believe if we didn’t do the same we feel ostracized.
But there is no “they” also you were not picked. The algorithm that the medium is builded upon has the work to deliver attention to people, this attention of anyone needs to be delivered somewhere, and for a while it’s sent over there where you may be present. But it certainly won’t last. Because the whole ecosystem changes every time and algorithm will ship another attention of someone to somewhere.
The work we do has no connection with the medium/platform. Getting on top 1% of a medium in attention does not signify anything, it was just a need of algorithm to nominate someone. That’s why traffic from algorithm on a medium is not a point, it’s merely a random bonus you got.
New platform means more organic reach means more chance of getting eyeballs, it’s a foolish way to look at things. You think you are someone who tells people this is the next big thing and so it’s worth to follow or use, while in reality it’s called following a new trend and flowing with what the new fashion of the medium or attention has arrived.
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