Arrogant AI ?
Our survival instinct always has helped us survive through rough times throughout human history. And so it is quite obvious that we like confidence, we appreciate confidence than any other characteristics of human when the choices are around taking risks, betting, hiring, etc. The right way to describe such behaviour of humans towards confidence would be "humans get influenced by confidence easily and willingly get sold out to someone who assures us a guarantee or an immutable truth." You know it well that google doesn't give you the answer you are looking for or gives you the exact answer that you want, it just sells you it's confidence like if it is like an actual human having characteristics of arrogance, but remember AI is not human. It's a code written by a human, and when we sell confidence it surely influences a big number of people because people are not confident on themselves. That is also a reason when you look at chatGPT a tool that answers your ques...